
Onchain Response

Onchain response involves taking immediate actions to mitigate risks or threats that have been identified onchain. These actions may include halting suspicious transactions, freezing compromised assets, or notifying security teams, all aimed at containing potential damage.

In blockchain security, response mechanisms are essential for dealing with threats once they are detected. For example, if a smart contract is exploited, an onchain response system might automatically stop further transactions involving that contract or lock affected assets to prevent further losses.

That said, onchain response is most effective when used alongside real-time detection. Detection flags the issue, but it’s the response that contains and mitigates it.

This is how ODR systems, like Blockaid’s, comes into play—these systems integrate both detection and response, enabling real-time threat identification followed by swift, automated actions to neutralize risks. This combination ensures that threats are not only addressed immediately but also detected as quickly as possible (even before the attack had taken place), reducing the potential for significant impact on users or assets.

Get the only ODR with proven response capabilities