
Onchain Detection

The process of continuously monitoring onchain activities—such as transactions, smart contract interactions, and wallet behaviors—to identify potential security threats or irregularities.

Onchain detection plays a crucial role in spotting malicious activity or vulnerabilities in real time, before they can be exploited.

For example, it can identify when a wallet is interacting with a compromised smart contract or when unusual transaction patterns emerge, allowing security teams to take preventative action.

However, onchain detection alone isn’t enough to fully protect blockchain assets. While it can identify threats, timely action is required to neutralize them.

This is why solutions like Blockaid's Onchain Detection and Response (ODR) combine detection with automated responses, ensuring that once a threat is flagged, appropriate measures—such as freezing assets or alerting relevant parties—can be taken right away.

This integrated approach helps reduce the time between detecting a problem and responding to it, which is critical in fast-moving blockchain environments.

Start detecting onchain threats with Blockaid