Onchain threat protection
Monitor, detect, and respond to threats in real time
Monitor web3 assets like smart contracts, wallets, and EOAs, detect vulnerabilities, trigger alerts, and respond in real-time with automated workflows.
Trusted by leaders in web3
Real-time security for everything onchain
Gain visibility into onchain asset interactions and continuously monitor for threats and anomalous behavior
Review onchain asset interactions with contracts, tokens, and wallets
Identify at-risk assets
Customizable detection rules for app-specific business logic and infrastructure anomalies
Offchain signal monitoring and analytics
Static code analysis to detect exploitable contracts
Pre-defined anomaly detection for all contract types
Customizable rulesets for infrastructure and business logic
Prevent and mitigate threats and protect against widespread disruption while minimizing financial loss
Contain threats and respond with automated workflows to notify, block addresses, revoke approvals and more
Block interactions with malicious actors and compromised smart contracts on the most widely used web3 wallets
Customize automatic workflow policies to accelerate response and minimize exposure to threats
Built on the largest network of web3 interfaces
Blockaid is directly integrated with the most used web3 wallets and interfaces. Our system sees more data and is able to block threats directly on our network.
Comprehensive on and offchain data coverage
Use offchain data to identify threats and contextualize onchain activities.
Onchain Events
Smart contracts
On/off ramping
Offchain Events
Malicious dApp identified
Front-end compromised
Supply Chain Attack
Threat intelligence sources