Zerion: Phishing Defense Powered by Blockaid

December 8, 2023
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A core part of Zerion's new browser extension and mobile app update is their Phishing Defense. We’re proud to have worked closely with the Zerion team to power Phishing Defense with Blockaid dApp Scanning and Transaction validation.

Anytime a user of Zerion Wallet tries to access a malicious dApp URL or sign a transaction with an entity related to a malicious wallet drainer, a user will be notified with an interstitial that looks like this:

While it’s that simple for the user, the work comes underneath the hood. Scanning the internet to proactively find malicious dApps as they come online. Simulating and validating transactions as users tee them up for signature, ensuring that they’re safe.

We believe that a key barrier to widespread usability and adoption of web3 is trust. Underlying trust is security. That’s what we spend each and every day thinking about. And we’re excited to protect Zerion users from fraud, phishing, and hacks.

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